This radio was developed to help promote the musical & poetic artists in the Nation of Islam along with music/poems from NOI supporters. Do you like Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Neo-Soul, Conscious Music, Poetry, etc...? It doesn't matter, WE HAVE IT ALL!!! If you're an artist in the Nation of Islam and you would like to submit your music, email us at If you are a Nation of Islam supporter and you would like to submit your music, email us at (Note: Music must be geared towards the NOI or promoting black positivity) Note: We have multiple songs from each artist. With that being said, you can expect to hear songs back to back from the same artist from time to time due to the playlist being shuffled. Also, we've censored songs that have cursing in them to make the radio suitable for most listeners. (We may have missed one or two here and there, but we will continue to monitor the songs.) Any artist that would like to remove their songs/poems/instrumentals from the radio, please email up at and we will remove them as soon as possible. ARTISTS INFORMATION: Type in the command next to the artist name for the artist information. 19Keys --- !19keys A.M7 --- !am7 Ag3nt 20/20 - !ag3nt Akbar Walks --- !akbar Akilah Nehanda --- !akilah AKNU --- !aknu ALäZ --- !alaz Alia Sharrief --- !alia AOC --- !aoc Apacolips --- !apac Arian Nicole --- !arian Ashé Koran --- !ashe Black Shawd --- !blackshawd Blue Money --- !bluemoney Brotha Kam --- !kam Brother Ammar --- !broammar Brother Ben X --- !benx Big Dave Sea - !bigdave Brother David --- !brodavid Daneek --- !daneek Daniel TwlvX --- daniel12x Danielle Lee --- !danielle djbchill - !djbchill DJ Rockwell --- !djrockwell Dr. Jeckal Gingles --- !drjeckal Derreck 4Real --- !4real Elijah LeFlore --- !elijah Elijah The Messenger --- !elijahtm Elohim The Anomaly --- !elohim Erica LeShai --- !erica Free Kidd Beans --- !freekid Friction --- !friction Gat Turner --- !gatturner General Tadar --- !generaltadar Goalden Chyld --- !goalden Grayco --- !grayco Hashim Hakim --- !hashim Hecava Mecca --- !hecava Hyram Abiff --- !hyram I Born --- !iborn Jallow --- !jallow Jasiri X --- !jasirix JayMatic --- !jaymatic Kareem Ali --- !kareem K-Rino --- !krino K.O.D. (Kiss Of Deaf) --- !kod Lish 2X --- !lish2x Lost Sheep --- !lostsheep Lvkang - !lvkang Malika Rarkia --- !malika Mani --- !mani Maryam --- !maryam Mic Drew --- !micdrew Mikal Stands --- !mikal MNIB --- !mnib MONICKER --- !monicker Muhammad --- !muhammad Mursalat --- !mursalat Neelam --- !neelam Nkenge 1x --- !nkenge No'Slavename --- !noslavename Nuri Muhammad --- !nuri NuWorld Belair --- !nwbelair NuWorld Flood --- !nwflood NuWorld Kayo --- !nwkayo Ooyiman --- !ooyiman PersyNotes - !persynotes Politically Oppessed --- !po Precise Wisdom --- !pwisdom Problem 13 --- !p13 Quddus Ahad --- !quddus Queen De --- !queende Rasul Muhammad --- !rasul RBGNEXTGEN - !rbg Reggie Bonds --- !reggie Rian or Duece --- !rian Robb C. --- !robbc Rukoo --- !rukoo Saddam Muhammad --- !saddam Shaina X --- !shainax Shakeene Muhammad --- !shakeene Slate Stone --- !slatestone Studio B --- !studiob Supreme Leem --- !leem Terrence X --- !terrencex The "Angel" Jibreel --- !jibreel The Drop Squad --- !dropsquad The Ranks --- !theranks TMD --- !tmd Trai Blessed --- !trai Trustable Rock --- !trust Tyre Hakim --- !tyre Umar The Successor --- !umar via The Hub --- !viathehub Wacky G and Tinā - !wackygtina Wise Intelligent --- !wise writers' BLOCK - !wblock Young Khan Tha Don --- !khan Yung Bruh --- !yungbruh ZaRio --- !zario Zewdy --- !zewdy OTHER CHAT COMMANDS Spread peace to the chat --- !peace Let everyone know you're listening --- !listening Watch the weather in your area --- !watchtheweather (your city). Example !watchtheweather phoenix or !watchtheweather brooklyn Give everyone a slice of Bean Pie --- !beanpie Help us keep the radio(s) streaming --- !support *More commands coming soon